Sunday, January 3, 2010

Catching up - The past several weeks

Apologies for not keeping up this news post as often as I should. A few things to note:

"Hello, Phillip" is now in the post-production stages. My editor and I are working to put a rough cut together within the next two weeks. Then it's a lot of blood, sweat and tears till early May, when we'll have the premiere screening!

The film I am co-producing, "After All", will begin production in ten days. Excited to see all the work that has been put into the project come together!

We're going into our last two weeks in the production period for the second year NYU grad films and as exhausted as I am physically and mentally, it's been an amazing three months. I've acted as a boom operator, production manager, asst. director, and director of photography so far on some amazing films. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world.

At any rate, I've got to get up in the morning to get right back into the trenches and help out with another production. More updates to come soon!